Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just keep stripping. Just keep stripping, stripping, stripping...

I think I am on day four or five of just stripping paint and Bondo.  The previous owner went Bondo crazy, and all for only tiny pin dents. Grrrrrr.  My arms feel like Popeyes from all the muscle use.  So far I've stripped the "Z" stripe, a bunch of Bondo, the window frames, the front top, more Bondo and the channel rail.  I would have been waaaay done by now if it wasn't for al the $@?!$%* Bondo.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

Slow but sure.

Trying to get Penny cleaned up and organized, so we can finish up the long list of things that need to get'er done. Here is a pic of the back, where the gaucho bed will be.

Monday, January 13, 2014